A thoroughly enjoyable listen and a worthwhile upgrade for Audio-Technica VM95 cartridges.
Tag: RigB
IPT RigB 500, Cartridge Body Upgrade For VM500 / AT440 Et Al, Reviewed
Buy one and avail yourself of what is undoubtedly one of the best moving magnet cartridges around.
The IPT RigB, Rigid Metal Body for AT91 /AT3600 Cartridge Reviewed
A significant upgrade for a tremendously competent generator held back by its flimsy plastic body.
Audio-Technica VM500 / VM700 Phono Cartridges Reviewed
cracking carts for the money, continuing a logical reshuffle and welcome refresh of AT’s cartridge line.
Audio-Technica AT-VM95 Detailed Review & Measurements
Succeeding the AT95 was a tough ask, but Audio-Technica have risen to the challenge. May the ‘green king’ rest in peace, the successor has arrived to steal the throne.